Project Resources - Leadership in Social Movements for Change

In our experience, leadership in local movements taking on sustainability challenges is fluid and dynamic. Therefore the building of leadership needs to be understood as an always ongoing process of collective efforts, rather than the emergence of particular individuals.

The Struggle of the Songor Salt People

This is a movement produced book, written and edited by members of the Ada Songer Advocacy Forum (ASAF), including members of the Yihi Katseme/Ada Songor Salt Women's Association, the Ada Songor Salt Cooperative and Radio Ada which provides a collective storytelling of the struggle of the Ada people for the Songor Salt Lagoon.
Ghana: vitalité du militantisme en démocratie (Activism in Ghana’s democracy)

This chapter shares the story of four social movements: Kume Preko demonstrations, Network for Women’s Rights (NETRIGHT), OccupyGhana, and Ada Songor Advocacy Forum (ASAF). It Highlights the importance of networks and coalitions to make activism meaningful and impactful during the three decades of alternating democratic and military rule following the year 1992.
Critical hyper-reflexivity and challenging power: pushing past the dichotomy of employability and good global citizenship in Development Studies experiential learning contexts

Informed by 15 years of working with university students and experiential learning programs, the authors share their own critical concerns reflecting on ongoing work and some ways that have been used to address these concerns. In this chapter, successful experiential learning is determined by the depth of student engagement and challenging the status-quo of typical power dynamics in many mainstream experiential learning programs.
Decolonizing development studies: reflections on critical pedagogies in action

This article calls for a continuation of the decolonisation project that accompanied the emergence of development studies, both material and discursive, not only destabilising Eurocentric conceptual frameworks, but also actively contesting the continued colonisation and inequity in university programs and campuses, through pedagogic approaches of inclusion of marginalised and indigenous voices in course materials, questioning the Eurocentric norms educators and students may hold, and consciously blurring the line between activism and scholarship.
Pedagogy of Passion, Pedagogy of Publication: Joe L. Kincheloe and Contesting the Hidden Discourse of Academic Success
Guided by the Yomo spirit: Resistance to accumulation by dispossession of the Songor salt lagoon in Ada, Ghana
Democratic Hopes, Neoliberal Transnational Government(re)ality: Grounded Social Movements and the Defense of Communal Natural Resource in Ghana. In D. Caouette & D. Kapoor (Eds.), Beyond Colonialism, Development and Globalization Social Movements and Critical Perspectives. London: Zed books.
Media Resources
These photos depict the Yihi Katseme at the Asfotufiami festival in Ada, Ghana in 2016.