Now Playing: TreatyDay

Social Justice Radio Show, titled "7 TreatyDay"

Welcome to our global/local social justice focused radio show, produced by the Development Studies Student Society at St FX. This weekly show, airing Thursdays at 5 PM (Atlantic) on 93.3 FM the FOX (CFXU) -
Listen live online here ,
is imagined as a space for the St FX and Antigonish communities to share their social justice efforts/activism/campaigns; the show focuses on such issues as women's rights, anti-racism efforts, LGBTQ initiatives, as well as global-local connections within each of these and many more categories. Part of the the social justice radio mandate is to continue and deepen the partnership between CFXU and Radio Ada in Ghana, as brought to life by the "call and response" partnership show:

CALL and RESPONSE SHOW - CFXU-RADIO ADA partnership (part of Social Justice Radio)

Separated by geographical and cultural differences, the CFXU - Radio Ada "Call and Response" Partnership represents the unification of two community radio stations who share the same frequency, 93.3 FM, yet broadcast in different worlds.

Combining the voices of the Ada and Antigonish into a single broadcast, each show represents a comparative analysis on similarities encountered and experienced by both communities, as well as their differences.

Broadcasting once a month on Social Justice Radio, past topics have discussed the traditional livelihoods of men and women living in both contexts, as well as the festivals each community celebrates. Upcoming episodes will focus on Climate Change, Language, and finally, Education; providing invaluable accounts from both the Ghanaian and Nova Scotian perspective on issues that affect us all.

The "Call and Response" show format is based on traditional West African music structure, where players call out to the rest of the group, and they respond. Here, each community calls out to the other with a desire to either explain themselves, or to know more of the other's world, and the other responds in kind. Practically speaking, this means each station develops a segment on a particular theme, and then the two segments are combined into a show broadcast in both locations on that theme. It also means that show themes are decided on through dialogue between the two stations and communities - evolving over time as each community comes to know the other better.

The CFXU - Radio Ada "Call and Response" partnership was started in early 2010. Its first broadcast aired in December of that year.

For additional information about the pioneering efforts and history of Radio Ada in Ghana please see: